Friday, June 17, 2022



There’s a line from the movie, “Redeeming Love,” where the character Michael says to Angel:

“You didn’t choose the life you had…but you CAN choose the life you want.”

We ALL have to make that choice.

Growing up, without a proper father figure- having a distorted view of what role men would play in my life- saw me chase after a forbidden cycle of seeking love, all in the wrong places.

Time after time, I found myself going back to a place where I no longer had a right to be!

I risked my own soul, imprisoning myself into a box, where I struggled to break free out of.

I rejected any aspect of real love, in favour of the abusive kind that I had entangled myself in, since a little girl.

Pushing those away, who were genuinely caring, I clung to those that stripped me of my dignity, staining my darkened soul, with their own convoluted needs.

In writing this post, it is to take responsibility for my role, in walking myself into invisible cells… that I gave the trusted key to those, who had their own bandaged wounds, leak into mine.

At times, the guilt I have carried, has threatened to consume me with its shame.

I now understand, I have been grieving the loss of innocence, the childhood stolen from me and the little girl who was subject to horrendous role playing...only an adult should have known.

I could see the fragments of my brokenness- a reflection in the waters, I was so desperate to cleanse myself of!

Then, God blessed me with something so precious…that I was given a second chance in the life of my beloved daughter.

I would strive to protect her from the ‘monsters in the closet,’ and yet…years later, reading through the 29 journals Shayla left behind…I realized I had at times, failed her just as I had been let down.

Did I love my child beyond measure? Of course! Did I try to never surrender to my own past demons, in order to make good on my promise to love and protect her….most certainly!

Yet, as I look back at particular moments in my past, I can see where I failed my daughter miserably- and own self, in the end.

This is why my own personal, spiritual relationship with my Heavenly Father, has never been an easy one! For most of my life, I never saw myself worthy of being held by God’s loving embrace. For I simply did not know that throughout my own existence.

Then, as I escaped yet another toxic situation with a man (Colin), bent on my destruction- I realized the role I have sought so hard after- has always been there! I have a Father God, who knows the immeasurable loss of his son, Jesus and the ultimate suffering he was put through…for my sins, for the world’s transgressions.

Since my displacement last December, it now has been ½ a year I have lived- without a proper home…I have needed to dissect the broken parts of my life and see where it is that I went ‘off the rails’ and trusted the wrong person to be a part of my life.

I have also needed to acknowledge the harsh truth in that I have never felt wanted, loved or fully accepted by a man.

How could I look up in my prayers to the Lord, when I looked down so ruthlessly on my own self?

Although I wanted to be free of repeating such viscous cycles…I also yearned to be wholly loved for who I am.

What came as a surprise, was the pure love I have always sought hard after…was literally already mine!

I exist, not to be an object of lust or to fulfill someone else’s needs….NO! I exist to fulfill the purpose that God has for me.

I was also blessed with the joy of being part of something bigger than me; a role that would see my words used for healing, forgiveness and release in a pure way…in the writing of my novel: “Under the Sitka Tree.” (UTST)

Having no real sense of roots, Sitka gave me a community of people that I consider ‘family.’

For every character, reflects on someone I either have known or are a part of my present life.

Ospero Falls, was created out of love, a place where HOPE thrives, and people look out for one another.

It is my safe haven. A place where the seeds of healing have taken form and among the characters in my storyline… I EXIST.

I give thanks…Praises to a God that never left my side, nor gave up on me!

I did not have to ‘win him over’ or offer parts of me that I felt were a bargaining tool.

My faith has come with ‘no strings attached.’

It is a place of Unconditional love, patience and dignity that has been restored through the blood of the Saviour, Jesus Christ.

My sobering moment of understanding my self-worth, has come only after much suffering, sorrow and loss…all things the Lord knows well.

Recently, my formatter Leon Oldale, from Oldale Publishing worked ‘along-side’ me in going through UTST and making any revisions necessary, in order to speak the language I have always intended too.

In doing so, I came to understand how my faith has always guided me- from the darkness- into the LIGHT, with a story that is etched upon my fragile heart.

Another source of inspiration has come from Canadian Poet/author, Rupi Kaur, whose book “Homebody,” is a declaration to my soul. Her boldness to write of things unspeakable, is a testimony, to her own personal story of overcoming and resilience. 

As one season has closed and another one beginning, I continue to explore the many intricate and complex parts of my life…knowing that the shame has now shifted and replaced with an understanding that I AM WORTHY of LOVE!

God’s Love has always been engrained with me; I simply needed to reconnect with the core of the little girl, who was so eager for love… she was blinded by the distorted versions of it!


By TL Alton

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