Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Try Losing One...

 If I had a dime for everytime I've had a man say to me..."I will never put you thru the Hell the last guy put you through..." 💔💦 
I'd probably have a place to call home.

In my life, I have met so many woman, who have devalued themselves, lost their identity as a woman and given into paths of placing themselves in violent, narcissistic relationships that I could actually form my own tribe! 

At the very top, would be a leader whose own scars on the inside,would cover me whole on the outside...

I've spent most of my life processing my latest mistakes that when I'm knelt in prayers, I ask God to reveal my purpose. 

Then...I will have a day like today that stands out so clear as to what defines me, I can't help but feel my heart shine unto others! 

The most beautiful aspect of our journeys is that we get to climb into the 'raft of our lives', and ride the wild waters...until that day when we do not return.

For me, I have packed more adventures, loved the hardest my heart could give to another and learn time and time again...the power of forgiveness. 

Recently, a dear friend sent me a wonderful photo notecard and an important reminder that there is absolutely NOTHING I can do, which would separate me from God's LOVE ❤ 

So, as I let go of my fears, nursing the wounds that are slowly healing, I embrace Philippians 4:6~7 with all I have left to give. 

Tonight, I heard a song that was so specific and relatable to me...I thought he penned the lyrics knowing what I've not only experienced...but also Survived!

This is for those who have had the rare opportunity to find a woman of faith, loyalty and strength...

~ Tyler Braden

In speaking with a someone today, on the phone, who has been helping me sort thru the messes of my life...they said this: 

"Tomorrow, we get a new page- a new chapter and while it is unwritten for us today...
makes new way for our fresh tomorrow's!"

For every man out there who has 'lost forever' that one remarkable woman who shone in their lives... stood by them, and gave everything she ever had... this ones for you...💟 

By TL Alton 

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