Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Try Losing One...

 If I had a dime for everytime I've had a man say to me..."I will never put you thru the Hell the last guy put you through..." 💔💦 
I'd probably have a place to call home.

In my life, I have met so many woman, who have devalued themselves, lost their identity as a woman and given into paths of placing themselves in violent, narcissistic relationships that I could actually form my own tribe! 

At the very top, would be a leader whose own scars on the inside,would cover me whole on the outside...

I've spent most of my life processing my latest mistakes that when I'm knelt in prayers, I ask God to reveal my purpose. 

Then...I will have a day like today that stands out so clear as to what defines me, I can't help but feel my heart shine unto others! 

The most beautiful aspect of our journeys is that we get to climb into the 'raft of our lives', and ride the wild waters...until that day when we do not return.

For me, I have packed more adventures, loved the hardest my heart could give to another and learn time and time again...the power of forgiveness. 

Recently, a dear friend sent me a wonderful photo notecard and an important reminder that there is absolutely NOTHING I can do, which would separate me from God's LOVE ❤ 

So, as I let go of my fears, nursing the wounds that are slowly healing, I embrace Philippians 4:6~7 with all I have left to give. 

Tonight, I heard a song that was so specific and relatable to me...I thought he penned the lyrics knowing what I've not only experienced...but also Survived!

This is for those who have had the rare opportunity to find a woman of faith, loyalty and strength...

~ Tyler Braden

In speaking with a someone today, on the phone, who has been helping me sort thru the messes of my life...they said this: 

"Tomorrow, we get a new page- a new chapter and while it is unwritten for us today...
makes new way for our fresh tomorrow's!"

For every man out there who has 'lost forever' that one remarkable woman who shone in their lives... stood by them, and gave everything she ever had... this ones for you...💟 

By TL Alton 

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Love and Immeasurable Loss in TEXAS


We can never makes sense or come to terms of acceptance, when a child dies...especially in such an evil, unfathomable way! 
Source: President Joe Biden 

I cannot comprehend the unexpected tragic losses of innocent, little children, their lives ending on the soil of an Elementary school! 
My heart is broken for their unimaginable losses and my hands are folded in prayers. 

There will never be justice, closure and a chance to understand what truly happened that horrific day! 

From my heart to all of Texas, I send my LOVE❤....

By TL Alton 

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

The Lessons We Carry

Where I am at right in this moment truly shines on the darkness of the shadows that follow me. 

I am letting the days unravel... settling into a place of unrest within. 

Surrounded by light, I breathe in through the cracks, seeking peace, shelter and better health and wellness. 

The following words are of great comfort as I process all that has unfolded in such a short matter of time. 

From the confines of my vehicle, as the neon sign flashes "All Are Welcome," my tired eyes hold the words and let them settle unto my weary heart. 

Recently, I removed my last two blog posts about Colin Newell, not because I was asked to or forced to do so...I did it as my point had been made very clear...that it does not require much too overtake a person's life...I KNOW... as it happened to me. 

At a previous place of shelter...I was greeted by the opposite sense of disconnection. A beautiful sanctuary, where the poster on the wall spoke volumes: 

I am reminded of the little four year old girl, who had no idea that over three decades,  she would endure  abuse, trauma and loss that were coming her way.
In my reflecting... every mistake I've ever made has been clearly written upon the wall...of my biggest regrets. 

Today, was no exception.  
As the heaviness of the anniversary of the grim and tragic discovery of unmarked graves- peppered with the scattered bones of Indigenous children- reminds us... as a country we are stained with the wounds, which flow from those, who had so much taken from them.  

As a nation, we need to come together collectively and unite with those, whose children's cries rises from the scorched earth... trodden on by the feet of those whose vows are now ripped apart by the ugly, tragic, truth of residential school abuse. 

To this day, much like the holocaust, there are those who deny these deadly secrets our world has harbored- ever happened! 

Yet, I've looked into the dark pools of emptiness that echoes generations of pain, mistrust and horrid abuse... among those scarred... generations later. 

Today, was also a painful reminder of those who deny the sufferings placed upon myself, growing up. 
Those who cannot fathom my journey, nor would have endured such misery. 
It is then I fold my hands in prayers, as I Am a child of God, who is reminded the Lord's heart breaks over these hortible things, which have taken place.

At 51 years of age, it is no longer my  responsibility to convince others of the hellfire I have walked through.

What is important... is that I acknowledge I sometimes miss the mark myself in understanding the mishapen paths of others. 
I get so wound up in my own heartache and sorrow that I sometimes forget,  others are also suffering.
Over the years, writing my endless posts and investigative articles, I've been given an insight to the darker side of things and the life lessons, it has taught me. 

So, as the golden arches near me, are a reminder of all those served...
I pause to reflect on the
 challenges of our fallen world and those
 residing in it...including me. 

By TL Alton