Saturday, May 18, 2019

Against All Odds

I refuse to gain the world and lose my Soul.” ~ Colton Dixon

A journey of 19 years has seen me endure the death of the only child I ever bore, and walk away from someone, I thought was my life partner. This path I have been on, once included three children (two of them not mine) and grandchildren, I will never hold. The voyage’s I have taken, saw me misplace my spirit, down alleys cloaked in betrayal, deceit and hopelessness. 
Darkness swathed me in unimaginable ways and yet throughout it all, there remained a seed… a spark of light that was rooted in faith. 

With every 365 days that passed in those years, one thing has stood the test of time. The Creator, who is the maker of all things, brought a Sitka spruce tree into my world and helped me to discover... it is my Spirit tree.

Locked wooden box of mine that is 19 years old..only I hold the key.


This particular Sitka represents the balance of good and evil.
The creation of this tree exists, near a place I have only travelled to, in my imagination. 

Over the years, there is deep gratitude in meeting the Rain people, who helped mold the setting of my novel; Ospero Falls in Under the Sitka Tree. 

Other connections to the story-line came from various parts of my creativity, where a milk bottle, unique skeleton key and an enclosed loft, are elements of the narrative.

The length of time spent in UTST is quite exceptional. When most would have given up long ago, I have persevered. Notwithstanding, the countless edits prepared me for what has immersed. A compelling novel of intricate threading, stemming from factual, Canadian history and fine storytelling. 

My method of writing is that there is none. I have worked on UTST in endless locales where Japanese Gardens were my backdrop, in the tropics of Hawaii, and within London -- where another infamous author, first began her arduous path to becoming J.K. Rowling. 

I have shaken the hands of those, whose fingers held the pens, to their stories of love, hardships and brilliance: Lawrence Hill, Amanda Lindhout and Nicholas Sparks.

Throughout it all, I have been inspired, welcomed and encouraged to push on.
Recently, I watched a film based on the book, “The Wife,” by American novelist, Meg Wolitzer. 
In sharing the quote, I am inserting the word (she) instead of he in red, as it is a precise example, of how I see myself as a female writer.

"A true writer does not write to get published. She writes because she has something urgent and personal that she has to say. A writer must write as she must breathe, and she keeps on doing it despite the loneliness, despite the poverty, despite the piles of rejection letters, despite the parent or spouse who call out 'You fool, why don't you get a real job?' A writer writes 'cause if she does not…her Soul will starve.” 

~ Original quote is from the movie “The Wife.”

In saying a ‘true writer does not write to get published,’ this resonates with me. It shines a light on why I sit in isolation, surrounded with my literary friends, bound in books and covered in fine particles. I write to release a flurry of adjectives, straddling onto nouns. To see a character’s life form, by the stroke of my pen, is to connect with my Creator. Whilst I allow myself to step away into the hustle of everyday life; it is that sudden rush which engulfs me, when I am struck with inspiration and must flee back home again, to purge my words.

I therefore write, knowing that its existence, flows through me and the very bloodlines are those which unite me with my convictions. 

The purpose of the intentions being one who is a true writer, merely writes for release. Yet, last summer, while working in the northern region of the Provincial Parks, an encounter in Mother Nature saw a major shift take place.
Upon leaving Moberly, I knew in my heart, where the unveiling of Under the Sitka Tree would take place. 

After nearly two decades, I am submitting my novel, to be considered for publication. 

Upon discovering the deadline of submissions, encompassed less than thirty days, I have burrowed my way to a chair that has my backside imprinted on it. There are edits still to be done, paragraphs needing polishing and a 4- 5 page synopsis to be written that many authors dread. 

As I immerse myself into Ospero Falls, I have also spent quality time creating the layout, design and content of my new website, for my book: 

Under the Sitka Tree by T.L. Alton
New website link >>>>

I was blessed with four people, who took the time to lend their support of my writing; which includes my newspaper career, blogs, feature articles, Chicken Soup for the Soul and of course, my first novel. 
What I discovered, humbled me as a writer. One never knows the impact of words shared and I am deeply grateful to C. Bruton, Christopher, TJ Wallis and S. Kube, for their valued time and contributions on my website. 

There are others, who behind the scene have lent more than their support over the years. Having enriched my life by means of their generous hearts, their worthy friendships have sustained me. 

In the midst of all the streaming of creativity, there is also a reality of survival.

If there is one thing I have consistently written about over time, is that in becoming a Christian, it does not make life easier, but it makes one more accountable. In divulging truth, I have had to share pain. In connecting with others suffering, I have had to expose scars. 

As I prepared this blog outline, I thought about all of the brokenness in our world and how ‘hurting people hurt people.’  

A quote by Siddhārtha Gautama says ~ 
“It is a man's own mind, not his enemy or foe that lures him to evil ways.”

I believe this truth is solid, in that we all have choices. They say each one of us has a price, a value in which we can be bought. While many would scoff at this, think about it and ponder what if you were kidnapped, being held for ransom? What about the single mom, who has several children to feed, or the man wrestling addiction? 

For me, my value is in my Saviour, Jesus Christ. 

Despite the financial instability in my life, there is no value on this gift I have been blessed with, no amount of money that can buy my soul. 

Against the odds of what I have struggled with in poverty, I am so rich in His grace, love and mercy, that beyond this world… my gain is Eternal. 

Song ~ God's Not Done With You: Tauren Wells

By T.L. Alton

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