The missiles, are wiping out future generations, of those
whose lips have been silenced
As convoys carrying death, are streamlined across the world…
I am numb.
Frozen by images that embody the spirit of loss, spilling
forth onto the daily news
I am deafened- by the unimaginable horror of a one-sided war-
consumed by greed
5, 514 miles separates me from the two choices those families
have to make…
Cages or Wings?
I ponder with sarcasm… how in only travelling 3, 212 miles…
I could be in the ‘Happiest place on earth’...
Yet, there is no joy found in bunkers, air sirens and in the
loss of thousands of innocent lives…
As the droves of the true walking dead march onward toward
My connection to
their world is lit up with carnage, sorrow and battle
These are the only options that now bleed into my social
For them… surrender to the white, blue and red or trade in
their lives for their wings?
I look at the cracked egg in my trembling hand and say a
prayer, as I step forward
With my deepest love and support, along with others,…for Ukraine. 💞🌻🌻🌻
By Tonya Hancheruk